
As first place winner in the RI 2022 Congressional Art Competition, Zachary Leone's painting will be on exhibit in the Capital Building in Washington, DC for the entire year representing Nancy Stephen Gallery School of Art and the State of Rhode Island. He is shown here with his winning painting "Observing the Abandonment of Youth" following the ceremony. We congratulate Zachary for achieving this strategic and noteworthy award.

Congratulations to our winners and participants in the 2022 Congressional Art Competition presented by Congressman James Langevin (RI).

L. to R.: Rishi Gokhale, Addie Mayo, First Place Winner Zachary Leone, Congressman James Langevin, Second Place Winner Svetlana Stepanova, Honorable Mention Lauren Pomeroy, and Honorable Mention Erin Cassady. We are extremely proud of our students for their incredible accomplishments.